Finding Your Voice

Finding Your Voice

The Road Less Traveled to Self-Discovery

Embarking on the journey to find your voice is a bit like setting off into the wild without a map. It’s a journey that’s not just about speaking up; it’s about discovering who you truly are beneath the layers the world has thrown on you. My own path to finding my voice was far from direct, shadowed by a childhood under the strict gaze of authoritative figures and carrying into the struggles of adulthood. So, let’s walk this path together, exploring the ups and downs of finding and embracing your voice.

Growing Up In Silence

Picture a life where every choice, from what you wear to how you spend your time, is dictated by others. That was my reality. In a home ruled by strong-minded women, my existence was a series of commands. The concept of having a personal voice? Foreign to me. And this silence didn’t just vanish as I aged; it seeped into my professional life, influencing how I interacted with the world. Kelly McDaniel in *Mother Hunger* discusses how the lack of maternal nurturing leads to a lifelong quest for validation, a theme that resonates deeply with my own struggle to find a voice amidst silence.

The Echoes of Adulthood

Adulthood didn’t offer the freedom I’d hoped for. Instead, I found myself repeatedly clashing with female authority figures, experiencing bullying that left me questioning my value. "Why me?" became a recurring thought. The answers, it turned out, were buried in my past, tangled up in the fabric of my upbringing. As Eckhart Tolle writes in *A New Earth*, "Awareness is the greatest agent for change." This realization helped me understand that the external conflicts I faced were magnifying internal struggles, all stemming from my learned responses to authority.

A Light in the Dark

The journey took a pivotal turn when I sought help from a counselor. It was as if someone had finally turned the lights on. My counselor revealed the link between my current struggles and my childhood environment, illuminating the path to change. Bessel van der Kolk’s insight in *The Body Keeps the Score* that "Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health" resonated with me, highlighting the importance of addressing past traumas to reclaim my voice and my power.

Stepping Into My Power

With this new understanding, I started the real work: saying no, setting boundaries, and in some cases, making the painful decision to distance myself from my family. It was a journey of fear, doubt, and immense courage. I learned that finding your voice is a continuous process of self-discovery and assertion. Tolle’s concept that "Your inner purpose is to awaken" became a guiding principle, motivating me to align my actions with my true self, rather than the expectations of others.

The Road Ahead

There are days when old fears resurface, especially during times of stress. Yet, every day is a step toward the freedom I’ve chosen for myself. Finding my voice has been about uncovering the authentic me who was silenced for so long. And it’s been worth every challenging step.

To anyone on a similar journey, remember: your voice is powerful, and your story is important. The path to finding your voice might be difficult, but the destination—finding yourself—is priceless. Here’s to the journey of discovering your voice and the freedom it brings.

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